Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Leather Cleaning Ways to Avoid Early Aging

Apart from the elements such as stress, hormonal, and free radicals, ultraviolet light, smoke, pollution, and there are still many things that affect skin health, it also causes premature aging. It is necessary to maximize skin care, body care sheathing that was not complicated. 

Healthy skin actually reflects a healthy body condition. Conversely, dull skin can be an indication of less luminous body are not in a state fit. Leather carry many other important functions beyond the sense of taste and body of the sheath surrounding the threat of natural conditions. The skin helps regulate body temperature, also protect from viruses and bacteria, and no less important function of secretion and drainage.
On the function of secretion, sort out the skin, called sebum oil to maintain skin moisture and smoothness. While spending the liquid form of sweat that is mainly composed of water, useful to regulate body temperature to remain within normal limits.
Ultraviolet (UV) is very influential on the skin, so often accused of the main factors of premature aging aka premature aging. 
This light, particularly UV B is a strong penetration power, placed in order of number one in the list of causes.
When premature aging occurs, the skin will change so people aged 30 years and older appear 20 years older. Even stimulation of ultraviolet light that can constantly make the skin can be damaged or end up with skin cancer.
Replace the skin every 28 days
Outermost skin layer is the epidermis (stratum corneum) are thin as onion skin. 
Below it are the various organs which have already been mentioned earlier. Deeper fat tissue is thick. The next layer of muscle (meat) and bones, which is no longer part of the skin.
Actually, once every 28 days, skin cells will regenerate or rejuvenate themselves. 
The original skin cells will round up to the surface of the skin, before eventually die and become part of the layer of the epidermis.
different if the condition of aging skin. 
Outer layer of skin containing living skin cells, also the layer where the various vessels and glands, thinning. While it thickens the epidermis layer, because the dead skin cells will continue to accumulate. Exfoliation of dead skin layer does not occur automatically, and if peeling will last a long time. That is why exfoliation is necessary specifically because of skin care everyday cleaning alone will not be able to lift the dead skin.
That does not mean there's no hope for people with early aging regain healthy skin. 
There are several ways that can be done. For example, a very small spots (freckles) can be removed by peeling them, more appropriate use of topical bleaching creams at night.The use of whitening creams must be done cautiously and under supervision of dermatologist. Use of excessive, especially in the long term, it makes the skin grew black.
When compared with blackish spots, wrinkles on the face is more difficult to remove. 
Although several ways to reduce it with real results. One of them by performing chemical peels. Facial skin smeared special fluid to make peeling epidermis. Once cured, wrinkles, wrinkles will disappear.

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