Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Early Detection of Cervical cancer For Women

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), is a disease through sexual intercourse most common in the world, and is the main cause of cervical cancer in developing countries. Cervical cancer is a type of cancer is dangerous and attacked the woman in the world's second most common.

Cervical cancer is preventable if you routinely perform early inspection
The facts show that millions of women in the world are infected with HPV, which is considered a disease through sexual intercourse most common in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this infection is a major risk factor for cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer.

To get certainty about HPV infection and cervical cancer does occur, it is necessary to gynecological examination.

Gynecology is the branch of medicine concerning the reproductive organs or female sex organs. Some of the gynecological examination relating to the prevention of cervical cancer such as VIA, Pap smear, thin prep, and colposcopy.

However, it is quite popular in the community with excellent results for early detection is a pap smear and thin prep. Which one is better and accurate? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

Pap Smear

Pap smear or Papanicolaou smear is a method for early detection of HPV infection is the leading cause of cervical cancer. Name of Pap smears taken by a Greek physician of George N. Papanicolaou, who designed the method of coloring the outward appearance of sample cells for testing. This doctor who designed the method of Pap smear tests about 50 years ago.

Since the discovery of the conventional Pap smear method, the number of deaths from cervical cancer declined. However to reduce the risk of cervical cancer, every woman should melakan routine Pap smear that is every year. Because some types of cervical cancer or certain neck cancer has increased in number.

Many women infected with cervical cancer do not routinely perform Pap smears. Therefore it is important to perform Pap smears for early detection of HPV infection that may develop into pre-cancerous cells and at the next level cause cervical cancer.

How is a Pap smear done? Here are some steps that must be traversed when performing a Pap smear:

    * Doctors or experts will take samples from the cervix or uterus. You do this by using a scraper or brush to remove a small sample of cervical cells or cervical.
    * Samples will be applied to glass slides for analysis.
    * Glass slides were sent to laboratories for analysis under a microscope.
    * The purpose of the analysis to check whether there is infection, inflammation, or abnormal cells.

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